Funny Black Girl With Her Hand Out

Overly Attached Girlfriend.

Thanks to the reach and power of the Internet, teenagers are becoming superstars overnight via memes.

Memes are viral catchphrases, photos or videos that float through society and spread a joke on a piece of culture.

Teens have found Internet fame and even cut commercial deals because of their luck with a meme.

Some of the most popular:

Damn, Daniel

Daniel Lara, a high-school freshman at Riverside Polytechnic High School in California, is captured in Snapchat videos while his friend Joshua Holz exclaims "Damn, Daniel," ultimately reacting to the chic clothing choices of Daniel. In one video, Joshua goes on to say "Damn, Daniel - back at it again with the white Vans"- and thus the meme was born. Daniel and Joshua recently appeared on the talk show "Ellen"; Joshua received a nice surfboard, but Daniel was blessed with a free lifetime supply of Vans.

Alex From Target

Alex LaBeouf was working a shift at a Target store when a teenage girl who thought he was hot took his photo and posted it on the Internet with the caption: "This is Alex from Target." The picture was soon being shared among teenage girls on every social-media platform. Alex gained thousands of Twitter followers within 24 hours, and his newfound fans even tried to find out which Target he worked at.

Confused Black Girl

Sixteen-year-old Kiesha Johnson of Birmingham, Alabama, is the face of the most shared meme of 2014. A photo of Kiesha rocking a purple shirt and a ponytail and posing with her infamous hand gesture and confused expression has been the image associated with many captions ultimately turning Kiesha into a meme. A hoax lawsuit of $500 million directed at Instagram was rumored; in reality, though, Kiesha racked up followers and responded to any negative feedback with more flattering pictures.

Overly Attached Girlfriend

Laina Walker posted a parody video of Justin Bieber's "Baby" back in 2012 to her YouTube channel. The video received few views, but one viewer captured a screenshot from the video - and then Laina's memes took off. The facial expression captured resembled that of an overly attached or clingy girlfriend, so the photo was plastered with captions and became popular on Twitter. Laina loved the popularity but tweeted: "I'm always amused by the overly attached gf tweets & then I realized my face is associated with it & I'm slightly disturbed."

Persian Cat Room Guardian

The original photograph of a stuffed cat on display has existed on the Internet since 2013. This year, the first meme reading "when you ask your girlfriend what's wrong & she gets angrier and says 'you're supposed to know' " hit our Twitter feed, and people loved it. Hundred of captions have been written over the funny photo of the weird cat figure with outstretched arms because the cat resembles human confusion and shock in stressful moments.

"Why You Always Lying?"

Teen Nicholas Fraser posted this music video sometime during September. Initially just a funny music video that people would watch, it soon became so popular that it evolved into teens posting screenshots of the guy in the video and adding a funny phrase. The meme can go with anything and can really make a person laugh. Saying only "Why You Always Lying?" as a response to someone is funny enough. That this teen created this music video makes this meme that much funnier.

"What are those?!?!"

In June, "Young Busco" (Brandon Moore) uploaded to his Instagram a video of himself in which he loudly confronts a police officer by asking, "What are those?" and then points at the officer's black boots. His video gained thousands of "likes." Soon, other teenagers began to post his video online. Now teens take videos of themselves exposing others wearing funny-looking shoes.

"Who is she?"

On July 2, the world of Vine was forever changed. A user named "Chloe lmao" posted a legendary video of a frizzy-haired girl dancing to the intro of the song "Take on Me." The girl started out facing away from the camera and shocked us all when she suddenly turned around. "Who is she?" is now being used all over social media as a funny way of referring to someone. Thanks to Chloe, there are countless spin-offs to keep you grinning.


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