How to Make a Beat in Fl Studio

How Music Works

Bottom line… You have to know how music works. Study it. And that doesn't mean go to school or pick up a music theory book. Knowing music theory helps, but reallyjust study the music that you love. Listen to it intensely and figure out it's moving parts .

How Music and Beat Making Work

That'll help you figure out how real music is put together – the sounds used, the way the drum pattern is put together, the intro/verse/chorus/bridge/etc and where they happen, the rises and falls throughout the song, changes in sounds/musical key/emotion/vibe. Study your favorite songs and they'll tell you a whole lot abouthow to make good music.

Basic Music Theory for Music Production

I know… you hear the words music and theory and you fall asleep. But when you're making professional music, youhave to know thevery basics. You need to know what beats, notes, bars, time signatures, chord progressions and other musical elements are. You need tounderstand the structure of a modern popular song – what are verses, hooks, bridges, etc?

Check out our full basic music theory section to learn all that stuff quickly.

Once you've chosen the best beat making software for you and you've brushed up on the basics of how music works, it's time to start using it to create a beat. But how do you use a music beat maker correctly?

Beat Making Workflow – The Different Steps

Here are the basic steps to making a beat:

1) Choosing Sounds

Basically what you do ischoose a module (like a synth, sampler or drum machine) you want to start with. Then you go to your software's "browser" andload up some sounds/samples. If you're sampling or using a synth, you're not stuck to the defaults/presets. You can create your own unique sounds too.

2) Making Music Loops

After that youprogram (click little boxes with the mouse) orplay out (on your MIDI hardware controller) a melody, bassline, chord progression or drum groove within the "sequencer."

Youcreate different musical loops (or longer musical sections) andstack them on top of each other.

How long should your music loops be?

The longer the better. Yea, we make loop-based music that repeats, but the more repetitive something is, the quicker it becomes boring to a listener. Don't do a small 2 bar loop. 4 might work, but 8 is better even if it repeats within those 8 bars. And if 'you really wanna get wild try making 16 bar loops.

3) Getting Out of the Loop – Beat Arrangement

Now you're not done yet – if you just leave it like this, the beat will get boring and tired really quick. What you have to do next is take those different loops you created and arrange them in the "arrangement window" so that it sounds like a full song . The idea is to keep the energy of the track building upwards to a climax several different times.

This ishow to make music the right way. You'll end up with a screen that looks like this:

How to Arrange Beats

So you start with anINTRO – maybe just the melody plays alone for 4 bars and then the hi-hat and melody play together for another 4 bars. After that you could get into theVERSE section. The energy should slightly increase more, so you could add the rest of the drums here with the melody and let it play for 4 or 8 bars.

Then ramp the energy up more – add in the full chord progression or something else for another 4 or 8 bars. After that comes theCHORUS/HOOK this is where the firstpeak of energy should appear. In our example we could add in the rest of the instruments. And then for the second verse, you start all over again and do different things to build anticipation and energy peaks.

Once that's done youadd finishing touches – drop out the drums in certain parts, add cool sound effects in others, etc. The idea is to add variety that makes a listener's ear keep interest in your song.

4) How to Make Your Own Song – Finishing the Track

Making your own song requires a few more steps than just making instrumentals. If you want to go this far, you can do somemixing (adjusting levels/volume/EQ, adding digital effects, etc) and evenrecord some vocals on top. Once the full mixdown of the beat/song has been done it gets sent formasteringto make your song louder for streaming/radioplay/etc and to make sure it will "translate" well across all the different types of music players that will be used to listen to it.

And there you have it –you're a damn producer now.

Choosing Beat Making Equipment

Equipment for Making Beats

So what do you need to have to start making music? There are a lot of different choices out there. And if you want to really make professional music, you'll want to buy a few different things.

But let's make one thing clear – if you just want to make beats (and not full songs),all you really need is a laptop and some beat making software.

Making full songs will usually require more (unless you're just making instrumental music). But even if you're just making beats having a keyboard and a drum midi controller makes it easier . Pretty much every studio setup nowadays is computer based. Technology has made it so much easier to make professional music without spending tens of thousands of dollars like you've had to in the past..

So let's talk about what you need to make music…

Your Computer

Most people want to learn how to make beats on your computer. But a lot of people have questions about what type of computer you need.

Mac or PC for Music Production? Laptop or Desktop?

To some degree, it comes down to your personal preference on both questions. BUT there are some key things to consider – price and functionality. We used to say"don't believe the hype about Mac – it's not "better" for making music than PCs." But that'snot exactly true for us anymore. The thing about Mac laptops is…they usually just work. The core audio of a Mac is currently (at the time of this writing – July 2020) more stable than ASIO audio in Windows 10 laptops.

How to Make Beats on Laptop
A Quick PC Laptop Horror Story:

It was time for me to buy a new laptop so I could make my music making setup portable. And I LOVE PC laptops, so I searched one out and ended up buying the HP Spectre x360 with an i7, 16GB of Ram and a 512GB SSD.

That shit was loaded (and expensive) and I was so excited to make beats on this beast. But then I plugged in my Universal Audio Apollo Twin, opened up Maschine and started making beats.

After a few minutes I started hearing crackling and pops and Maschine's software started lagging like crazy. And for weeks I couldn't figure out why this would happen. It killed the vibe of it all. And the worst part? The only reason I didn't get a Dell XPS 15 was because so many users said the same thing happened to them too!

So it looks like there's an issue with External Audio Interfaces, ASIO drivers and Windows 10. Because multiple laptop types are experiencing this and there's no one magic fix that solves every person's problem. But it's not ALL laptops/audio interfaces. It's hit or miss. And no one knows why. Thankfully I got it to work and it's good to go now, but it was a HUGE pain in the ass. So beware if you're thinking a shiny new Windows 10 laptop.

Beat Making on Mac
The Problem With Mac Laptops

It's simple fam… They're too cot damn expensive! For the components and specs you get, Mac laptops are super overpriced. You can build a similar PC laptop for half the price (or less!). That's madness. And of course Apple doesn't exactly make customizable devices. They keep you stuck in their eco-system.

But that's not the only problem!

A lot of times, when Apple release new updates to their OS (operating System – like Catalina), things break. You have to be very careful when updating, because you may end up not being able to use your software. Literally EVERY company was sending people emails saying DO NOT update because of compatibility issues. So it's not all rosy on the Mac side, either.

What Should You Choose?

In terms of the style/quality of beats you're going to make – there's no difference. That's all on you. You can make hit music on Macs and PCs, desktops and laptops. Don't think that just because Metro Boomin uses a Razer laptop or because 16yo uses a Mac you'll be able to make beats like them by buying the same laptop. Again, it's mostly preference, price and functionality. If you want something that looks good and will give you cool points and mostly be stable go with a Mac. If you want something extremely powerful and not have to spend a fortune, go with a PC.

Desktop vs. Laptop

If you plan on making beats in your basement or bedroom and won't need to go anywhere, go for a desktop computer. You can often get a more powerful computer forcheaper compared to laptops. If you plan on going to other peoples' houses or studios a lot to make music, or like to make beats in parks/beaches or outside, go for a laptop. Theportability of laptops is amazing.

How Powerful?

At thevery minimum, you want a computer that hasanIntel i5 processor, an SSD hard drive and at least 8 GB of RAM. You also want a pretty big hard drive to store all your music/sounds/etc. If you plan on using lots of big plugins (Komplete Kontrol, Omnisphere, etc) then go for 16 GB of ram. But to be honest… that won't be good enough in a few years.

If you can afford it, spring for a system like the one we recommend below:

  • Intel i7 Quad Core Processor
  • 16 GB of Ram
  • 1 – 512 GB Solid State Hard Drive – i.e. SSD (to run the software)
  • 1 – 1 TB Drive (SSD or HDD) (to store music/sounds/projects/etc)
  • Lots of USB Slots
  • Thunderbolt port

You don't have to worry too much about the video card (unless you plan on editing and playing back HD video a lot). In terms of sound card, don't worry either. Most computers/laptops have ones built in that are not suitable for professional music creation. We'll talk aboutprofessional sound cards (i.e. audio interfaces) later.

How to Make Beats on iPad

What About Tablets for Making Music?

Tablets like the iPad have come a long way in terms of making music, but they're still not 100% there. Having said that, there are a lot of producers who have more recently switched over completely to tablets (specifically the iPad Pro) to make music.

Henny Tha Biz is one of them (he's got a great YouTube channel, so definitely check it out if you're interested in making beats on an iPad)

I haven't done a lot of beatmaking on a tablet because I have an old ass iPad 4, but to me it seemed like you can start projects on a tablet, but to really finish them you'll still need a laptop/desktop computer.

So personally, I'd sayhold off on buying a tablet for beat making for now. But it's up to you. I'm sure you can make it work if you want to. We'll do a deeper dive into tablet beat making in a separate, future post.

Essential Beat Making Tools

Next, you'll need some beat making software to run on the computer. This software is where you'll load up your sounds, create your loops, arrange your song and even record, mix and master the final track. There are a few different types of music making software options available to you depending on what you need. If you just plan on making beats, go with asoftware beat maker or a hardware/software combo. If you want toproduce full songs andrecord instruments/vocals, you'll also want topick up a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW).

Software Beat Makers

Learn Beat Making Software

These are programs like Magix Music Maker or Reason and FL Studio that allow you to program your beats with nothing more than a laptop. Mostmodern music is loop based, meaning you make a bunch of music loops and they repeat in different sequences.

We'll get into how most beat making software works a bit later, but basically youprogram sounds into a pattern using your mouse or record yourself playing them with a MIDI hardware controller.

You canstacks sounds on top of each other andarrange them into full blown beats. A MIDI controller is a keyboard or a set of drum pads thatcontrol the sounds in your beat making software. With a MIDI controller you don't have to use your mouse to click in little squares of where you want a sound to be. You canplay/tap it out by hand.

Here are the best software beat makers out there:

  • FL Studio
  • Magix Music Maker
  • Reason
  • Ableton Live

Online Beat Makers

There are also a couple of websites you can use to make beats online without having to download/purchase software. However a lot of these edm and rap beats maker options are limited because they're completely internet-based. Here's a couple options for you:

  • Splice Online Beat Maker
  • SoundTrap
  • Soundation

Software/Hardware Combos

Beat Making Hardware

Most people who start learning how to make instrumentals useFL Studio or Reason and may also pick up a MIDI hardware controller (we'll get into these more below).

But it can be complicated trying to get certain pieces of hardware to work with certain pieces of software. That can leave yousuper frustrated, especially if you'renew to music technology. But you don't have to go that route. You canbuy a software/hardware combo beat maker.

This is a bundle that has a hardware MIDI controller (usually drum pads) that is specifically designed to work with it's own software beat maker. This is the best of both musical worlds  – the feeling of hardware and the power/flexibility of software – and so is the ideal choice for a lot of producers.

Options include products like:

  • Native Instruments Maschine MK3
  • Ableton Live Push

Digital Audio Workstations

Adigital audio workstation (or DAW) is a full software-based studio setup. It provides you witheverything you'll need to make a beat or a full song (except the hardware stuff). DAWs are different from software beat makers because they have so muchmore power and capability. Software beat makers are mostly good for making beats and instrumentals.

But if you want torecord vocals, arrange a song easily, mix and master music or even score a film –you need a digital audio workstation for that. If you just want to make beats and leave the rest for others, just get a beat making program. But if youplan on setting up a proper studio and doing actual music production, you should consider buying a DAW as well.

Different DAW choices include:

  • Presonus StudioOne
  • Cubase 10
  • Logic Pro X
  • Pro Tools 2020

Check Out Our Full Beat Making Software Reviews Today!

Hardware Beat Makers

Hardware Beat Making

Just a quick note abouthardware beat makers – software isn't the only choice for making beats, but it's the one most people choose.

There are also hardware beat makers which areentire music production centers within a single piece of hardware (like a music production keyboard or drum machine). Think of the legendary Akai MPC series, or the Yamaha Motif.

These pieces of hardware have everything you need in them to produce a full musical composition (you'll still need a DAW or old-school studio to make a full song, though).

Here's some problems with hardware beatmakers:

  • They're hella expensive (we're talking like $2500+ for some)
  • They're closed-off systems (you can't tweak it, etc.)
  • They're made by a single company (with software you can use virtual instruments from any company)
  • They're limited (sounds, processing power, tracks, etc.)

When you're first figuring out how to make instrumentals these hardware options can be more difficult to learn to use. BUT – there aresome people who prefer hardware beat makers to software ones. If you're just starting out making beats, wereally recommend going the software route.

Additional Tools for Making Music and Beats

There are certain pieces of hardware and software you'll absolutely want to get if you're serious about making beats at all. And not all beat making equipment is crazy expensive and limited. These additional pieces of software and hardware will help you make better music – faster and easier. But don't think youneed to buy any of them. But if you want to make full songs or take your beat to the next level, you'll need some help from the stuff we talk about below.

Sounds / Instruments

Sounds for Beat Makers

Now, we don't mean actual musical instruments (but you can buy guitars and pianos if you want). We mean virtual instruments, sound/sample/loop libraries and things you can use if your studio software. Most software will come with stock sounds and instruments,

Some of them are actually good, but most will be mediocre. But the best place to get sounds in our opinion is Splice Sounds – check out our review of Splice here. To get really good sounds (which make a HUGE difference in your beats), you'll need to buythird-party sound packs and instruments.

You can buy pre-made loops, single drum sounds and even entire virtual instruments like pianos or synthesizers. Some can be pretty expensive, but they're well worth it. As a starting producer the first thing I'd suggest is getting GOOD drum sounds. They can make or break a track. Then work your way up, buying loop packs, sample packs, VST instruments and more. The great thing about virtual instruments (especially synths) is you can use some of them to create brand new sounds on your own that no one else has. Bottom line, keep your sounds fresh. Your beats will only be as good as the sounds you use in them.

Here are some good virtual instruments to look out for:

  • Various Kontakt Libraries
  • Output's Entire Collection
  • Nexus
  • Omnisphere
  • Native Instruments Komplete Bundle
  • Sylenth1
  • Serum

Check Out Our Post on MUST-HAVE VST Synths Every Producer Needs

Music Making Audio Interfaces

Audio Interfaces

An audio interface is basically a computer sound card that is designed to be able to handle professional audio production work. Your computer's built-in sound card just isn't good enough.

Sure, you can make beats using it. But if you want to use a MIDI hardware controller or hook up a microphone/guitar, it won't work properly. For that you need a pro audio interface.

There are a ton of options out there, but they all basically hook up to your computer (usually through USB, Firewire or Thunderbolt) and allow you to connect studio microphones, guitars and other instruments/sound sources, MIDI controllers and studio monitors (i.e. speakers) to your computer.

If you just want to record vocals, a 2 or 4 channel option will work. If you plan on recording a drummer or full band, you'll need more inputs. Another thing you want to be aware of is the circuitry inside the audio interface. The microphone pre-amps matter a lot when it comes to the quality of your recordings and the DA/AD conversion will determine how good your playback sound will be. Check out some reviews online before making your choice.

Here are some options out there:

  • Focusrite Saphire Series
  • Universal Audio Apollo
  • Native Instruments Komplete Audio
  • M-Audio MBox

Studio Monitors and Headphones

Speakers for Beat Makers

Now you're going to need something to playback and hear your music while you're creating. That's where studio monitors (i.e. professional studio speakers, not computer screens) and headphones come in.

If you're new to making beats, you can get by with a decent pair of headphones (or even computer speakers). But if you plan on making full tracks and doing some mixing and mastering work, you'll need them.

But even as a beat maker, once you get better and better you're going to want to purchase a set of studio monitors. Normal speakers and headphones don't really give you the detail you need to make important decisions. Studio monitors/speakers are specifically designed to give you thetruest sound that's not colored or distorted by your sound system.

They let you hear all the tiny details and errors in your music. This way you'll be able to adjust the volume of different instruments properly. And a good set of headphones can also work if you're in an apartment or place where noise isn't allowed.

NOTE:  Of course, your room shape and characteristics will also determine how well you're able to hear a TRUE/NEUTRAL sound from your system.

Here are some different options for monitors:

  • Yamaha N Series
  • KRK Rokit Series
  • M-Audio BX Series

And headphones:

  • KRK KNS-8400
  • Grado SR-128
  • AKG K Series

Check Out Our Post on the Best Headphones for Producers

MIDI Controllers

MIDI Controllers for Making Music

MIDI controllers are pieces of hardware that let you control the sounds in your beat making software. So instead of clicking your mouse into a grid, you can play out your melody on a keyboard or your drum beat on some drum pads.

If you choose a software beat maker instead of the hardware/software combos, you can still get a third party midi controller. They work great, but can sometime be difficult to get working fully since they're not designed specifically for a particular piece of software.

If you want to make good beats, we highly recommend buying a good MIDI controller. It's very difficult to get natural sounding music when you're using just a mouse.

Here are some MIDI Controller Options:

  • Akai MPD and MPK Series
  • M-Audio Oxygen Series
  • Novation SL Series
  • Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol Series

Studio Microphones

Record Vocals on Your Beats

If you plan on doing any vocal or instrument recording, you'll obviously need a microphone. But even if you're just making beats and not full songs, you should eventually purchase a microphone. You can record different sounds yourself to use in your beats, that no one else will have.

You can also add your own "hooks" into a beat which will allow you to sell it for more money. It's just a really good idea to have a microphone if you're making music at all. But don't skimp here and go for that $30 "Vocal USB Mic" you found at Wal-Mart – it'll sound like trash.

To get a really good vocal or instrument sound recorded you'll want to spend a couple hundred dollars on a solid studio microphone. There are a lot of options out there, and they widely vary on price.

Here are some different options you can try out:

  • Rode NT1A Studio Microphone
  • Audio Technica AT2020 Microphone
  • Neumann TLM 103
  • Electro Voice RE20

There are other pieces of hardware/equipment you could use to help you make better music, but the above are the basics you'll want to consider at some point in your beat making career.

Beat Making Strategies & Tips

There are a lot of different modules inside of your studio software (DAW – digital audio workstation) –samplers, synths, effects, etc. And there are other different aspects to your DAW or hardware too – the sequencer, arrangement window, mixer and more. They all work together to let youcreate a full beat. Once you're all setup the process of actually making music is similar whether you want to learn how to make rap beats, hip hop beats and trap beats or you wanted to learn how to design your own beats in the future bass, tropical house or r&b and pop genres. Becoming a really good beat producer  takes time, but the process doesn't have to be complicated.

Sampling vs. Playing Live

Sampling and Playing Live in Instrumental Making

If you're making electronic music you have a couple different ways to go about it. You can makesample based music, or you canplay musical instruments from scratch.Sampling Sampling is something that has been around for a long time and very much popularized by Hip-Hop music.

It's where you take a short snippet of another song (just a few seconds) and thenchop it up and assign each "chop" to a different pad/key on your MIDI controller. You can then trigger andplay back the samples however you want to come up with a brand new sound loop.

You can get as creative as you want with it, butthere are some copyright issues you should be aware of if you plan on releasing that song publicly for sale.Playing Live The other way to make beats is to just play live from scratch. You'd load up an instrument (like a piano or a synth) anduse your keyboard or mouse to come up with a fresh music loop from nothing.

You can eitherprogram the notes into your sequencer with a mouse, orplay them from a midi controller. Either way, you're not taking someone else's song and chopping it up to create new sounds. You're playing an instrument from scratch. You don't have to worry about copyrights with this approach like you do with sampling (unless of course you re-play another song exactly). Both approaches are great and come with their own unique pros and cons. If you're a good producer,you'll learn how to do both.

Melody? Drums? Where to Start When Making Beats

This is a question that many new producers (and even experienced ones) struggle with. And to be real, there's no right answer. It's all up to what you prefer or what works best for you. The whole process that you use is called workflow. And different software has different ideal workflows. Butdon't sweat it too much. It doesn't matter how you start, as long as you finish.

But here are the basic elements every beat has:

  • Rhythm (drums, bass lines, percussion elements)
  • Accompaniment (chord progressions, harmonies, etc.)
  • Lead Melody – the main catchy melodic/voice elements
  • Transitions between song sections (i.e. verse -> chorus)
  • Effects and other one-off sounds/instruments to spice shit up
  • Proper Arrangement – making the song tell a story through change-ups

Different Music Production Methods

Starting With Drums
Making Drum Loops

Some producers start with their drums. In certain genres of music (like Hip-Hop) drums play a very important, central role. They're the heart of the instrumental.

So what some producers will do isstart with a kick drum and a snare drum to lay out the basic pattern. They'll thenadd in some high hats and otherpercussion elements to get a full sounding drum loop.

Once the drum loop has a nice groove to it, they'llbegin on a melody or bassline. Some will move to a basicchord progression instead, and then move onto alead melody. It alldepends on what works for you.

Starting With Chords or Melodies

On the flip-side, other producers alreadyhave a melody line or idea in their head. They start out with that melody (byrecreating what they hear in their head on their software), and thenbuild the rest of the beat's elements around that one melody. Or maybe they know adope chord progression (a pattern of different music chords that sound good together) and they lay that down. Then they add a melody or bass and maybe some drums.

Chords for Beat Makers

Other times, a producer will have nothing in their head and they won't start with drums. They'll open up anew instrument or record/chop up a sample and just start playing around (freestyling) on their keyboard/pads until they play something thatcatches their ear.

Once they have a good idea, they'llrecord it into their DAW andbuild the rest of the track up after that. Some will move todrums, others will put in abass line before going topercussion. Sometimes you'll want to build up themelody/accompaniment sections before you do the drums at all. Again, it'sall about what works for you.

Watch Out for This!

New producers often getoverly excited when making beats and fill up every sonic crevice with some type of sound. The finished product soundsway too busy and complex. That can be ok if you're just making instrumental music. But if you're planning to put your beats up for sale online then that's a no-no. You have to remember that someone else is going to be singing or rapping on top of your beat. So you can't make it too crowded  otherwise there will be no space for the vocalist! When it comes to making music, it's often true thatLESS IS MORE.Simple beats are often then best ones in these cases. So be careful when you're making your beats tonot stuff them with too much sound.

Turning Your Beats Into Full Songs

So you've got your beat composed, and arranged into a 3 minute instrumental. Are you done? Maybe… If you're trying to be a legit music producer, though, you should know how to makefull songs,not just beats. You should be able to work with an artist from start to finish, handling each step of the process.

Recording Vocals on Beats

Recording Vocals on Beats and Instrumentals

Once you've got afull beat made (or a mostly full beat made) you can move on to thevocal performancein order to finish creating your own song.

What you should do is export your beat from your beat maker as a WAV file (better yet, exporteach instrument separately so you have more control later on in the process).

Set up your microphone, connect it to your audio interface and open up your DAW. When you're in your DAW you'll beadding in a bunch of blank "audio tracks." These tracks are where you'll:

  1. Import your finished beat
  2. Record the vocals of the performer

It's usually a good idea torecord multiple takes and "comp" them together. Comping is basically taking the best parts from several different recording takes and splicing them together toform one perfect vocal take.

Some people start by recording thechorus of the song first, and placing it in the proper section of the beat. Then they'll come back around andrecord the verses after. Others record in theopposite order.There's no right or wrong way. Once you're done with that you can get the vocalist to come back in with someharmonies, someadlibs and other unique vocal elements that make the song pop.

How to Mix Your Beats and Songs – Getting That "Industry" Sound

Remember how we said at the beginning of this article how your beats would suck at first? Well, sometimes even when your ideas are really solid thebeat still sounds like shit. If you compare your beats and songs to the stuff you hear on the radio, it'sreally easy to get depressed. How does every song on theradio sound perfect, loud, bright clear and amazing? While your sound flat, lifeless and dull? Two words…Mixing and Mastering

How to Mix Beats

Once you've got everything arranged (instruments and vocals if applicable) and the beat or instrumental you made sounds like a full length song, it'stime to mix and master your beats. What's Mixing and Mastering in Song Making?

Mixing and mastering is a complex thing – it takes years  of education and experience to do right. The people that do mixing and mastering are called audio engineers.

They adjustvolume levels, gain and panning (i.e. moving the sound either left or right in the stereo field). They alsoadd audio effects like reverb and echos to make everything sound less flat and more alive.

Once youbecome a more advanced producer and you know how to make beats properly, you canprobably handle most of the mixing yourself. Butmastering should still be left to an engineer – especially if you want radio play.Mastering is the last step in the music making process that makes sure everything is absolutely perfect. That's why it's often done by aMastering Engineer. But this is the secret sauce  that makes all your favorite songs sound so damn good.

"How to Make Beats" Wrap-Up

There you have it fam – thecomplete, ultimate, go-to guide on how to make beats online. You should have a pretty good understanding of theentire music making process. Whether you wanted to learn how to make rap beats, pop beats, edm beats or anything else – the overall process is very similar. Now all that's left to do is…go out and do it! Make a beat yourself!

Let's keep it 100 though, there's ahell of a lot more to it than just what we've discussed here. But that's all stuff that can't really be taught in abeginner's guide. If you want afull step-by-step video tutorial on how to make your first beat using FL Studio for free, click here. There are so many different styles of music and styles of making music that it's hard to cover everything. But now that you have abasic grasp of the overall process, you canstart digging deep. Start by making your first few beats andjust keep at it.

How to Make Better Beats & Songs

A lot of what we talked about above might seem over your head or confusing. But don't worry, cuz like I said above – we got you covered. Sign-up for our free Beat Making Cheat Sheets and you'll be the first to know about the latest tools, guides and offers from Deviant Noise Inc. If you want to be a better music producer or beat maker, then this is the first step in the right direction.

How to Make a Beat in Fl Studio


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