How Long Does It Take to House Train a Puppy

how to potty train a dog

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Bringing a new puppy home is a very exciting moment for the whole family. There are puppy snuggles, kisses, and adorable wriggles that will keep you entertained for hours. But there's also the hard work of potty training your dog to make sure they go where they're supposed to (and not on your white carpet). In order to avoid accidents inside the house, it's important to start the process as soon as possible.

Potty training a dog might seem intimidating and frustrating — especially when they look at you with those puppy dog eyes — but if you are consistent and keep a strict routine of taking the pup out, the process should be fairly easy.

When Can You Start Potty Training Your Dog?

The perfect time to potty train a dog is when they're between 12 and 16 weeks old. If you've adopted an older dog who was never been potty trained, you should treat them like you would a puppy. In any case, an older dog might be easier to train because they can actually hold it for longer.

how to potty train a dog

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How to Potty Train Your Dog?

There are three methods that can help you potty train your dog: crate training, paper training, and scheduling walks.

1. Crate Training

When it comes to crate training, you'll first need to purchase a crate that's big enough for them to stand up, turn around, and lay down. The main idea behind this method is that dogs will not go potty where they sleep or eat, so they'll be more likely to hold it. Of course, accidents happen, especially if the crate is too big or you leave them alone for too long.


Cardinal Gates Sliding Door Pet Crate, Large …

Cardinal Gates


Be sure to keep an eye on their behavior, because they'll let you know when they're ready for a walk. Another rule of thumb should be that if you can't supervise your puppy, they should be in the crate.

2. Paper Training

Paper training is beneficial for those dog parents who don't work from home or who don't have a backyard. It's also a good alternative for those would rather have their dog go on a pad than take them for a walk in a snow storm.

When it comes to paper training, you should always stick to placing the pee pad on the same spot so that they don't get confused. If accidents happen, clean the area thoroughly so they don't urinate there again.


So Phresh Essentials Absorbent Potty Pads for Dogs, Count of 150, 150 CT

3. Scheduling Walks

Scheduling walks is the most ideal method because you are teaching them to go outside, rather than inside the house. Although puppies who are 12 weeks and over can hold it for some time, they still have tiny bladders. To create a good schedule, you should take out your pup first thing in the morning and late at night. You should also take them out after playing, spending time in their crate, when they wake up from a nap, and after eating and drinking water. So, you better start getting used to the idea of spending a lot of time outside.

What Are Some of the Signs that a Dog Needs to Go Potty?

If you're crate training or your pup has finally learned to go outside, you should keep an eye on their behavior. Whining, circling, sniffling, barking, and scratching at the door could indicate that they needs to be let out.

How Long Can It Take to Potty Train a Dog?

Depending on how strict you are as a dog parent, potty training your new fur baby can take from a couple of weeks up to a year. A younger dog can have more accidents, but it could be harder to break an older dog's bad habits. Ideally, a dog should have at least one accident-free month to be considered house trained.

how to potty train a dog

Chris Ross Getty Images

Accidents happen. If you catch your dog squatting down, clap loudly so they know they're doing something bad and rush them out. If they already had an accident, don't punish them because they'll learn to fear you. Instead, you should always praise and reward them when they use a pee pad or go potty outside.

Freelance Assistant Editor Sophia is currently an assistant editor at Womans with experience in writing everything from fashion and beauty to health, fitness, and wellness.

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How Long Does It Take to House Train a Puppy


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